Counterproductive Evolution: The Long-term Effects of Short-term Interventionism following the Great Financial Crisis
Review of International Political Economy, 2023 | with Tami Oren
Following the 2008 financial crisis, policymakers in advanced economies employed unconventional economic interventions that were meant to be short-term but continued for more than a decade and were followed by unconventional interventions in non-financial markets...
Trade-offs of Government Credibility Institutions: Market Credibility vs. Social Credibility
Journal of European Public Policy, 2023 | with Michal Koreh
We offer a novel conceptualization of government credibility and a new framework for analysing the institutions that governments constitute to enhance their credibility. While the literature commonly pertains to government credibility institutions as an apolitical...
Credible Interventionism: Economic Ideas of Government and Macroeconomic Policy in the Great Recession
New Political Economy, 2022 | With Tami Oren
The macroeconomic policies of advanced economies during the Great Recession were characterised by a curious mixture of unconventional market interventions executed through depoliticised governance structures. We explain this phenomenon by developing...
The Politics of Welfare State Financialisation: The Case of Israel’s ‘Saving for Every Child’ Programme
Critical Policy Studies, 2021 | with Zeev Rosenhek
Expanding financialisation of the economy and society represents a constitutive feature of the neoliberal regime. This process is also underway in various domains of state action, including the welfare state. This article uses a case study of financialisation of a...
The Technocratic Tendencies of Economists in Government Bureaucracy
Governance, 2021 | with Johan Christensen
Economists are by many accounts the most influential group of experts in contemporary political decision‐making. While the literature on the power of economists mostly focuses on the policy ideas of economic experts, some recent studies suggest that economists...
Training the Public: Advancing Neoliberal Reforms Through Model Experiences
New Political Economy, 2020 | with Amit Avigur-Eshel
The realisation of some neoliberal reforms depends on the public’s behaviour. Given that, how do neoliberal elites operate to advance behavioural changes in the public? This question is particularly acute for neoliberals, who concurrently emphasize individuals’...
Neoliberal Ideas of Government and the Political Empowerment of Economists in Advanced Nation-States: The Case of Israel
Socio-Economic Review, 2019
A Dynamic Theoretical Framework of Gradual Institutional Changes
Public Administration, 2019 | with Michal Koreh and Ilana Shpaizman
How do institutions transform? To answer that question, this article introduces a dynamic theoretical framework of gradual institutional changes. Instead of looking at each mode of gradual change—like layering or drift—as a stand‐alone process, we examine how...
The Privatization of Israel: The Withdrawal of State Responsibility
Palgrave Macmillan, 2018 | With Amir Paz-Fuchs and Itzhak Galnoor (eds.)
The book is the first to cover all areas of privatization in Israel and one of the first to do so in general, including state infrastructure, immigration policy, land, health, education, welfare, regulation, and policy design. As such, it offers a comprehensive volume for...
The Political Economy of Israeli Neoliberalism
The Oxford Handbook of Israeli Politics and Society, 2018 | With Michael Shalev
Israel’s political economy has been transformed since the 1980s from a developmental to a neoliberal model. This chapter describes and explains this transformation, emphasizing the unevenness and incompleteness of liberalization and its impact on socioeconomic...
Parties and Labour Federations in Israel
Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in the Twenty-First Century, 2017 | with Gideon Rahat
This chapter examines the relationship between two old left-of-centre parties and a centre-right party with trade unions federations in Israel, as well as the political and economic changes that led to the current state of affairs. For many years, there were...
Interrupting Gradual Institutional Change: How ‘Continuity Agents’ Have Stalled and Even Reversed Gradual Welfare-State Reforms in Israel
Journal of European Public Policy, 2017 | with Michal Koreh
Various influential studies demonstrate the political power of mechanisms of gradual institutional change, such as layering, drift and conversion, in overcoming the pressures of institutional continuity and driving major policy reforms and welfare-state reforms in...
Institutionalizing the Liberal Creed: Economists in Israel’s Long Journey towards Political-Economic Liberalization
Neoliberalism as a State Project: Changing the Political Economy of Israel, 2017
This chapter analyzes the role Israeli economists have played as purveyors of pro-market economic ideas and political entrepreneurs of economic liberalization in Israel. Israeli economists were strongly committed to economic liberalism already in the 1950s, but...
The February 1962 New Economic Policy: How Israeli Economists Almost Changed the Israeli Economy
Israel Studies Review, 2016
In February 1962, the Israeli government put in place a far reaching economic liberalization reform. Had it been implemented as designed by the economists at the Bank of Israel and the Ministry of Finance, the plan could have dramatically changed...
Explaining the Striking Similarity in Macroeconomic Policy Responses to the Great Recession: The Institutional Power of Macroeconomic Governance
Comparative Political Studies, 2016
This article offers an institutional explanation for the strikingly similar configuration of macroeconomic policy responses of advanced capitalist economies to the Great Recession. In recent decades, advanced economies have adopted a common structure...
What Made Economists so Politically Influential? Governance-Related Ideas and Institutional Entrepreneurship in the Economic Liberalisation of Israel and Beyond
New Political Economy, 2015
Liberal economists are known to be one of the driving forces behind economic liberalisation in various countries, but how did they become so politically influential? Constructivists generally suggest that during economic crises liberal economists persuaded...
Power and the Ascendance of New Economic Policy Ideas: Lessons from the 1980s Crisis in Israel
World Politics, 2010 | With Michael Shalev
Recent explanations of transformations of macroeconomic policy under crisis conditions spotlight the intrinsic properties of ideas and the persuasiveness with which they are marketed. Bridging the divide between power and discourse approaches, this article...